3 in 1 Special (Buttewal)

3 in 1 Special (Buttewal)


The name itself speaks for this kukri. It is actually the combination or merging of the three most famous kukris of Nepal. Bhojpure, Buttewal and Angkhola are the typical kukri knives made in the remote hilly villages and each knife has their own unique special feature. In this “3 in 1” khukuri, KHHI has brought together the special features of each of these kukris, then crafted and blended into one unique and extra ordinary piece.

“BHOJPURE” is the most common yet very famous among Nepalese because of its traditional value. It is believed that every Nepali family should own a Bhojpure for good fortune and prosperity. Some also keep it on religious grounds and for ceremonies. Since ancient time, Nepalese villagers have also been using it for everyday domestic work. The shape of the blade of the 3 in 1 Special replicates the typical BhojPure shape. It is wider comparatively and has the fuller (pattern with brass inlay) like that of the traditional BhojPures.

“BUTTEWAL” derived from “Butta” which literally mean “Pattern” in Nepalese. The Buttewal kukri come with beautiful hand crafted patterns in most of its part hence called as “Buttewal”. Traditionally used as a decorative tool but can also be used for domestic purposes that requires cutting etc. The same follows with 3 in 1 - beautiful patterns are made in brass fittings and crafted in handle (centre area) to decorate the khukuri. Even the scabbard leather is special with straight and curl embossed patterns laid all over it. A brown colored frog is used to go with the color of the handle. Despite of its attractive and delicate look it is still a first-class cutting and working tool. This knife is both; play and display instrument.

“ANGKHOLA” or ANG (panel) – KHOLA (to open), means to open (divide) the surface of the main body (Panel) of the blade as seen in the picture. The fuller, a layer or hump from tip to the notch area on the surface level is the main and defined feature of an Angkhola kukri. It is made so to give more strength and durability to the width of the blade while in use. The curvature gives much needed support to the edge of the kukri when stroked hard against any objects as it takes the direct impact and distributes the direct force (shock) evenly in a wavy manner. It is also a true display of craftsmanship as it is very hard to craft


Size of blade: 9 inch 
Materials / Features: Special leather scabbard with embossed patterns, Indian rosewood carved handle, brown leather frog, carved/pattern brass fixtures
Origin: KHHI, Kathmandu, Nepal (released on 25th Oct 2007)



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