dbad Roughlander

dbad Roughlander

A Bowie that screams, this is how the west was won!

G-10 Scale
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USD 165.00

USD 38.28

Delivery: Estimated between Mar 19, 2025 and Mar 29, 2025

Item Location: Nepal

Return: 14 days return policy.

Default Specification

  • Blade Size (in): 11.5
  • Handle Size (in): 5.5
  • Handle Material: G-10 Scale
  • Actual Weight (gm): 800
  • Overall weight (gm): 1050
  • Shipping weight (gm): 1450
  • Blade finishing: Unpolished
  • Blade sharpness: Standard (very sharp)
  • Blade material: 5160
  • Place of Origin: KHHI, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Accompanying knives/B-up: None
  • Blade thickness (mm): 7
  • Handle finishing: Unpolished
  • Sheath: Leather Sheath
  • Released date of KHHI Nepal: 2022-06-21
  • Tang type: Full Flat
  • Fixture: White Metal
  • Edge grinding: None
  • Edge Hardness: None
  • Blade (panel) Grinding: None
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Large western style Bowie knives are an essential part of American bladed history. Designed as fighting knives first, they were much more than just self defense weapons. When cowboys were traveling by horseback, they needed to be light and fast. Nothing was carried that didn’t need to be. A pistol, a rifle, a canteen, fire starter, a bed roll and a one all, do all blade. It was his fighting blade, his cooking blade, his processing blade and even his shelter building blade. Sometimes it was even his toothpick. This is the kind of blade they would’ve carried… Just better. 


What’s so special about the blade?
Using 17” of 7mm thick 5160 steel, we are able to produce a a blade length of 11.5” that’s 2” at it’s widest point. Not only does that give you an impressively strong hunk of steel, but it gives you the ability to use you knife without having to resharpen it every 20 minutes. The unsharpened swedge leads to an amazing penetrating point and the carved out deep fullers offers great protection from shock while creating a perfectly balanced knife.


Why use G-10?
G-10 is an easy to work with material and easy to find. It can be textured, it an be smooth. It’s durable and quite honestly, it look good to boot. 

What is the grip?
The true full tang 5.5” grip from the front of the guard to the rear of the chunky hammer end pommel is made for real world use. Between comfort in the arched grip and choil, the ability to lash the weapon using the guard and lanyard hole and hammer end, there isn’t much you couldn’t use this beast for.

carrying Roughlander Bowie


What is the Sheath?
Roughlander comes with a western style ALL Leather Sheath with belt loop, and double strap button to secure the blade firmly while carrying to avoid easy withdrawal.


Reviews (3)

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Alex the Great Verified Buyer

Great Neck, New York, USA

Date: 3rd March, 2023

Great Bowie Design by Donnie DBad and The Makers / Forgers KHHI NEPAL. Great Bowie for Chopping/ Clearing Brush, Feathersticking, making Sharp Tent Steaks, Great Bowie for Self Defense No Bears will mess with you for Sure. Virtually Indestructible Blade.

Arcot Ameen Verified Buyer

Tamil Nadu, India

Date: 6th November, 2022

Quality product

The need for a quality material bowie the roughlander is a perfect match for camping or hunting. It is the most amazing knife which gives highest level of satisfaction during any job given. The grips and the thickness is so well balanced. Just love it.

Daniel Joanis Verified Buyer

Québec, Québec Canada

Date: 21st July, 2022

Awesome (Malade)

j'ai utilisé cette machine de DABAD pour une seul chose en ce moment et c'était pour coupez des longes de porc et juste WOW ce couteaux à tout coupé comme si c'était du beurre au total près près de 48 pouces de longe de porc coupé et jamais affûté avant et après j'ai aussi coupé du bois pour allumé un BBQ avec et aucun dommage il coupe toujours aussi bien le papier comme lors de la réception Merci KHHI good job et Merci DBAD pour ce monstre


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