Gurkha Combat (Loyal)
No.1 combat kukri knife of the Gurkha when his duty calls upon him to serve, protect and kill..
Delivery: Estimated between Feb 16, 2025 and Feb 26, 2025
Item Location: Nepal
Default Specification
- Blade Size (in): 12
- Handle Size (in): 5.5
- Handle Material: Horn
- Actual Weight (gm): 650
- Overall weight (gm): 850
- Shipping weight (gm): 1200
- Blade finishing: Unpolished
- Blade sharpness: Standard (very sharp)
- Blade material: 5160
- Place of Origin: KHHI, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Accompanying knives/B-up: None
- Blade thickness (mm): 9
- Handle finishing: unpolished
- Sheath: Black Leather
- Tang type: Stick
- Fixture: Brass
- Edge grinding: Semi convex
- Edge Hardness: 55-57 hrc
- Blade (panel) Grinding: Full Flat
- Function: Defending, Lethal, Military, Fighting, Combat, Jungle warfare
Gurkha Army Combat/Battle Kukri (Loyal)
British Gurkha Loyal/functional Combat/Battle kukri knife, unpolished version
This is so called because of its use as a combat or a fighting kukri knife by British Gurkha soldiers (Gurkhas) at present days. It is a modern day combat kukri preferred by soldiers for battles and warfare. Gurkha soldiers other than the standard issue kukris can have their own pick for their secondary kukri knife. Most prefer to have this kukri because of its perfect size, shape, weight, and style (the simplicity it embraces). All fixtures of the kukri knife are plain and basic yet it retains the solid hardcore look of a classic and deadly weapon designated to destroy and defend. "Gurkha Combat" kukri knife is simple yet style of its own, effective and efficient and very handy and hardy. This kukri carries all the required characters needed for a typical combat (battle) knife that is carried within the enemy territories.
A fearsome weapon when you run out of your ammunitions – a Gurkha’s first choice when his duty calls upon him to serve and protect.
This Gurkha Combat kukri knife is longer and more curved than the Standard Service Kukri (BSI) issued to the Gurkhas military units. It is quite the same as the "World War" Kukri except an inch longer, and both the blade and handle are fully unpolished. Here the unpolished version is opted to make the kukri blend with the jungle ambient. It also helps to camouflage with the gears and wears of a soldier as anything fancy would attract unwanted attention. The unpolished horn handle also gives better grip and blends with the uniform of the carrier perfectly.
Gurkha Combat (Loyal) has a traditional plain leather scabbard with single belt loop affixed in it. Two traditional accompanying knives are discarded. This in a view that today’s contemporary warfare has become sophisticated and demanding so carrying them would prove unnecessary (useless).
This Gurkha military kukri is a typical all-purpose utility knife especially made for rough use. Although the blade has no finishing (polishing) the surface is very smooth and well balanced (level). Even the handle is unpolished to benefit the user with better grip and easiness in handling. It is also a replica of old kukris that was widely used by farmers and villagers for their daily domestic work and even used by soldiers during the world war years. This type of kukri is highly recommended for jungle, trekking, safari tours, and any activities that require cutting.
Size of Blade: 12 inches approx. [note >> the 12" version is only available from 10th April 2020 onwards]
Overall length: 17.5 inches approx.
Materials / Features: Water buffalo leather scabbard, unpolished water buffalo horn handle, 5160 high carbon steel