KHHI Bowie (with PWR HMR)
a MUST if you are planning a trip away from home; CUTTING n HAMMERING go together...
Delivery: Estimated between Feb 16, 2025 and Feb 26, 2025
Item Location: Nepal
Default Specification
- Blade Size (in): 11
- Handle Size (in): 5.5
- Handle Material: Rosewood
- Blank weight (gm): 550
- Actual Weight (gm): 800
- Overall weight (gm): 975
- Shipping weight (gm): 1350
- Blade finishing: Polished
- Blade sharpness: Standard (very sharp)
- Blade material: 52100
- Place of Origin: KHHI, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Accompanying knives/B-up: None
- Blade thickness (mm): 7
- Handle finishing: Polished
- Sheath: Black leather traditional
- Released date of KHHI Nepal: 2014-03-24
- Tang type: Full Flat
- Fixture: Iron
- Edge grinding: Dual
- Edge Hardness: 55-57 hrc
- Blade (panel) Grinding: Scandi
- Function: Hunting, Lethal, Fighting, Outdoor, Combat, Regular Work, Attacking
KHHI Bowie Knife (with PoWeR HaMmeR); become the Bowieman...
Yet another outstanding creation by Khukuri House that is completely different from its main re-curve line. Inspired by the famous Alamo Bowie, enhanced by KHHI’s personal touch and forged to destroy and defend, the KHHI Bowie will even satisfy a diehard veteran and can silence a big mouth critic. The Bowie is an awesome outdoor cutting tool that is just great to have in hand while out in the woods or jungle, trek or safari or just about anywhere where cutting is involved. Its unique feature where a hammer is fitted to its tang at the bottom can actually work as a real hammer to hammering and pounding things. This really takes the knife a step ahead from its other counterparts offered in the market since the same knife can act as the two essential tools – cutting n hammering needed to survive n’ sustain in the wilderness. The amazing sleek lethal looking blade with double edge at front section fitted by vertical guard for protection and safe use powered by a long lasting riveted full flat tang handle fitted by a real hammer! KHHI Bowie is a MUST if you are planning a trip away from home.
This bowie is among the best seller and most reviewed knife in our product range.
Here are some of the main features that makes the KHHI Bowie with Power Hammer more special, strong, useful and durable knife from Nepal.
Blade:: Plain and simple profile but effective and aggressive ... straight blade with double edge clip point at the front section (4inch long); designed adapted for hacking and stabbing. Well polished to keep away from rusting. Good weight and feel to even work its way out like a re-curve kukri.
Handle:: Full flat tang riveted Indian Rosewood handle for heavy duty work. Wooden scales are firmly glued and riveted to the tang for long lasting. Straight and Simple yet easy and effective grip. The inward curved finger dent gives a form and stable grip at all times.
Hammer:: A thick chunk of solid steel is strongly wielded all round to the tang. The attached piece is so strong that it can be used as a real hammer. Bottom face for heavy duty hammering works and side faces for light and easy hammering. The power hammer also provides counter balance to the blade's weight and swing. Hence the user does not feel any stress on him while using the knife. This "Power-Hammer" feature of the bowie sets it apart from the herd.
Guard:: The vertical shaft welded just in front of the handle is the “Guard” fitted to protect the using hand from slipping towards the sharp edge. It also works as a barrier and saves hand from hitting object and thus injury, when using the blade in front/swing motion.
Sheath:: Normal black leather sheath with a frog for the belt to go thru to carry from the waist. A lanyard loop tip is attached for a thigh string to tie around thigh portion, so no wobbling even in speed motion.
Specs OF 11" BLADED (default)
- Blade size: 11 inches approx. (polished)
- Clip point size: 4 inches approx. (polished)
- Handle size: 5-5.5 inches approx. (polished)
- Blade Thickness: 7 mm approx. (flat)
- Blade Width: 45 - 55 mm approx.
- Bevel Height: about 1 inch (Dual Edge)
- Power-Hammer: 28 x 42mm approx.
- Weight: 800 gms approx. (Blade + Handle)
- Origin: KHHI, Kathmandu, Nepal (released on 28th Mar 2014)
- Material: Black leather sheath, Indian Rosewood FFT handle with solid Hammer and Guard, 52100 tool steel
KHHI Bowie Part2 (YODHA) >>
comes in 2 blade sizes; 12" (default USD 169.99 ) and 10" (USD 154.99) to order select from BLADE SIZE drop menu
After the grand success of the KHHI Bowie (PWR HMR), we had to come up with another variant. As a matter of fact, it had to come much earlier but better late than never, right?? It is actually a custom-design order placed by a customer from the US that we did for him. We both got so pleased with the outcome and after getting permission from the designer the KHHI Bowie Part2 (*Yodha) has been released. Here we have tried to improve our original simple bowie by adding extra features to better up its performance and appearance. Special attention is given to the shape, guard, handle and sheath of the knife to create an awesome bowie in the market that is the ultimate powerhouse.
*Yodha or योद्धा means warrior in Nepalese literature. The same term is used to denote the warrior-like characteristic feature of this aggressive bowie.
Why the KHHI bowie Part2??
- Broad blade profile >> for greater impact; heavier for lethal blows
- Long sweep drop point >> for deeper impact
- Double guard >> for extra protection and macho look
- Ergonomic handle >> for easier and stronger grip
- True full tang version >> for strength, stamina, and durability
- Power hammer pommel >> for great balance and usage, and hammering things
- Western leather sheath >> for easier carriage and mobility, and fine look
SPECS OF 12" BLADED (default)
- Blade size: 12 inches approx. (matt), Saber grind, Dual edge, HC 52100 steel, 30mm tall bevel
- Clip point size: 5.5 inches approx.
- Handle size: 5.5-6 inches approx. (matt), Leaf Green micarta, True full tang, Double guard, Solid Power Hammer pommel, Lanyard hole
- Blade Thickness: 7-8 mm approx. (flat)
- Blade Width: 55-57 mm approx. (widest)
- Weight: 950 gms approx. (Blade + Handle)
- Sheath: Black Western leather with Belt loop and D ring