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Khukuri House Handicraft Industry (KHHI) – making real kukri blades since 1991
It is important to note that 'KHUKURI HOUSE' (KH) has been updated as 'KHUKURI HOUSE HANDICRAFT INDUSTRY' (KHHI nepal) so as to recognize its growth and the establishment of a complete new industry. KH is still an ongoing private establishment where as KHHI is now a separate entity.
Khukuri House Handicraft Industry (KHHI) or better known as KHHI nepal is a pioneer and stands out simply due to the fact that it is GENUINE and takes its work very seriously. It is the largest manufacturer and retailer of original khukuris since 1989 and embraces a strong reputation as being the official supplier and maker for the British Gurkhas on many occasions. What differentiates KHHI from the rest is its strict adherence to offer the best quality, 100% originality, passionate people, flexible policies, competitive price and the warm hospitality (you become a friend not just a mere customer) it offers. These have been the strength since the establishment and something which we continue to this date with utmost pride and pleasure. We are always exploring new avenues to better the company, its services and production and of course the outcome. Growing, learning, exploring, maintaining and deliverance have always been the zeal and identity of KHHI Nepal.
Another important aspect that defines KHHI is it’s dedication and contribution in saving the state of Khukuri which was in the verge of extinction, and promoting it to the international level have always set KHHI different from the crowd. It’s conservation campaign to save the beloved khukuri and its legacy, a remarkable contribution into uplifting status of Kamis (craftsmen) and a commendable dedication to conserving the unique khukuri making craftsmanship have set KHHI Nepal in the history book in its own right.
History of the 'Khukuri House’...
KHUKURI HOUSE was destined to be so to speak ….
Ex-10GR Mr. Til Bahadur Bishwakarma after retirement from British Gurkhas in 1975 joined Gurkha Reserve Unit (GRU), Brunei where he continued to serve as an armor specialist for almost 10 years. In his years of service he was disappointed with the quality of khukuri that was supplied to recruits by local contractors from Nepal. Mr. TB BK was later asked to supply with better khukuris after finishing his terms in Brunei as the army officials knew he had the ability and moreover he belonged to the craftsman root. Mr. BK after coming back from GRU in 1986-87 devoted himself into setting up a genuine khukuri manufacturing workshop back in his hometown, Dharan. It was the first of its kind and organized production took no time to success. In the process he was looking for a likeminded partner who could take the responsibilities of handling sales, marketing and administrative part so that he could concentrate solely on production as that was his forte.
On the other side, Ex-10GR Mr Lalit Kumar Lama after retirement from British Gurkha Army in 1986 from Hong Kong had been doing some local business as a contractor for BGTC (British Gurkhas Transit Camp) since 1987. Mr Lama in this period was asked to supply some khukuris which he managed through some local blacksmiths in Kathmandu but both parties had to content themselves with the inferior quality khukuris as there were hardly any productions, let alone the quality. With the annual Khukuri Tender of 1988-89 approaching near, Mr Lama was seeking for somebody who could supply him with high quality and large number of khukuris where as on the other hand Mr. TB BK was looking for somebody who could look after sales, supply and administrative works for his new much better made qualitative khukuris. And on one fine day they discovered each other at the British Gurkhas Nepal (BGN) in Kathmandu during the contract and rest is history. The new BSI khukuri (Service no.1 or Sarkhari then) that Mr. TB BK created stormed the army’s khukuri world who’s template is still being used by British Gurkhas up to this day, and soon copies of it were seen just about anywhere in Nepal.
The business went good, demand soared and both men knowing the importance of having a company established KHUKURI HOUSE in FEB 1991 in Ekatnakuna, Lalitpur, Kathmandu. Now they had a place and identity from where they can smoothly operate all business activities to further build up the khukuri business, and in the process forever encrypted itself in the history of khukuri world as the 1st organized Khukuri Company. Mr. Lama with his elder son, Mr. Sanjay Lama, managed sales and supply where as Mr. BK and his sons handled production. In 1993 Khukuri House Thamel was opened in Thamel (main tourist hub) and Mr. Sanjay took over the shop. Business and reputation soared to new heights.
Recent at KHHI Nepal
Mr. Saroj Lama Tamang after huge expertise and experiences gained from years of business has set up his own management team which now actively looks after the company’s core works. The head of departments in each sector successfully perform their duties under the guidance and supervision of Mr. Tamang. Now he spends more time in research, development and further expansion of the company. KHHI Nepal unit 2 which has the “Primitive Making” and “Khukuri Gallery” is the latest addition in the company under Mr. Tamang. It is a conservation campaign undertaken to save the khukuri, it’s amazing legacy and its age-old craftsmanship that is in the verge of extinction. We believe unit 2 will work as a connecting bridge to bring people closure to the khukuri like never before and help in establishing a special bond.
Since 24th February 2023, on the occasion of 32nd Anniversary, KHHI has started the 'Khukuri Making Workshop'. You can experience and learn the old age traditional khukuri making skills directly from the master.
Trademark (TM)
KHHI Nepal is already a brand name now that deals in world class products and services. Sadly with it come the copied (fake) ones from the disgraced people who want to cheat people. Therefore in order to tackle this critical issue we stamp all our products (each and every blade) with our official trademark (logo) as shown below to distinguish ours from others’. Our TM is the shape of a notch of a Khukuri which is very symbolic. Its normally stamped in the center of the blade to officially recognize KHHI Nepal.
From this very statement we would also like to publicly announce that ONLY the Khukuris and Knives with our official trademark (see below) are the property of KHHI (made by KHHI) and is/are the only ones we hold responsible of and obliged to. Therefore please be very careful prior to buying and while selecting. After all we want people to get the real blades from the real khukuri house.
Who is Who … Mr. Saroj Lama Tamang, the founder and MD of KHHI Nepal
Mr. Tamang joined KH in 2002 after completing his graduation in Business Studies (BBS). He was put in charge of KH Ekantakuna and also took active part in quality and production. After completing 2 years in the business in 2004 he completely took over the shop and later established the production wing in Kathmandu in 2007 on his own and has never looked back since then. He further took the company to its new heights with the establishment of KHHI Nepal, a different entity under the ownership of Mr. Tamang from its mother. It is located inside Patan Industrial Estate, Lagankhel where both production and sales activities take place. KHHI also runs two sites (this site) and which are explicitly under the ownership and leadership of Mr. Saroj Lama Tamang. He has always added strength, variation, and reputation to the company, and now with the establishment of Unit2, KHHI has got even better and stronger. Carrying dreams and aspirations from his father and uncle, he aspires to make KHHI Nepal the No.1 Khukuri Company in the world. Today the company not only involves in commercial activities but also indulges in conservation campaign which defines KHHI Nepal and its ethics.
Legal/ active corporate involvement of KHHI
KHUKURI HOUSE HANDICRAFT INDUSTRY of KHHI nepal is 100% legal and strictly follows all the norms and clauses put up by Nepalese government including the latest tax upgradation. It is registered under Industry Business Act 2049, section 3 (ka) and under the same Act, Article 4 and 5 in Section 10, It is registered as Small Cottage Industry of Nepalese Government having its registration number as 6026/299/064/065. KHHI was registered under the above Acts on the 24th February 2008 (anniversary day). Furthermore it is an active member of Federation of Handicraft Association of Nepal since April 28, 2008. It is also a member of Nepal Chamber of Commerce (NCC) since 2012. The company is given official industry number as "D-3" amongst other 120 plus industries in Patan Industrial Estate. We are extremely proud to be within the legal frame (system) and to be supporting the govt by paying full tax as a company.
Legal Documents
The followings are legal documents given by the Nepalese Govt. to Khukuri House Handicraft Industry (KHHI Nepal).